Terms of Service

Elitearn offers earning opportunities through various services for a membership fee. It is important to note that this membership fee does not constitute an investment with guaranteed high profits or ROI. Instead, it grants you access to the earning opportunities provided by Elitearn. The membership fee is utilized for the platform's operations, maintenance, server management, funding of data partner wallets for data earning credits, rewarding referral bonuses, and processing cash equivalents upon request. Therefore, no refunds are available after payment and registration.

Elitearn reserves the right to modify its operations, including earning rates, data withdrawal, and payout processes, at any time. These changes may be implemented to benefit members and ensure the sustainability of the platform, preventing any disruption in benefit sharing as planned.

Please note that Elitearn's earning opportunities are independently funded and managed, separate from the financial platforms used for pay-in and payout purposes. Elitearn solely utilizes their services to facilitate its business operations and earning opportunities. As such, these financial platforms cannot be held responsible for the success or failure of Elitearn, and no liability can be attributed to them based on users' outcomes, whether they benefit from the opportunity or not.

The Board of Creatives, team members, and coupon code vendors associated with Elitearn are also not liable for users' success or failure concerning any business risks.

For a comprehensive understanding of Elitearn's earning disclaimer and complete Terms of Service, we advise reading the footer link on this website. By registering or using Elitearn's services, you agree to abide by these termsĀ andĀ conditions.

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